Everyone at Octopus had the chance to vote on which charity they wanted to support for the next three years. We’re delighted to announce that GoodGym were chosen to be our new health charity partner!
What do GoodGym do?
GoodGym are pioneering a unique approach to volunteering that combines healthy, active lifestyles with community action. They connect members on their runs, cycles and walks with isolated older people and community organisations that need support with practical tasks. Whether it’s a run to the shops for an older neighbour or a cycle to a local foodbank, GoodGym helps people to get fit by doing good.
Why are we excited to work with GoodGym?
GoodGym are on a mission to improve the well-being of people in every city in the UK and we hope that time given by Octopus people, as well as unrestricted funding, will accelerate them on their journey.
During the pandemic, Octopus people volunteered in their local communities more than ever before – over 2,000 hours to be precise! So, combining this with our love of exercise seemed like the perfect fit and we know that this type of volunteering will appeal to a lot of people at Octopus.
Over the partnership, we want to work with GoodGym to revitalise the health of communities. We’ll be putting our heads together to identify some key projects that Octopus people can support them with.
A few words from Olivia at GoodGym…
“We’re delighted to announce this partnership with Octopus. Our goal is to make getting fit by doing good mainstream and we’re excited that Octopus will be working alongside us to move towards this mission over the next three years. We have ambitious plans, so we are thrilled by the enthusiasm of Octopus’ staff to make real change alongside their day-to-day work. Together we look forward to making some major strides forward in creating happier, healthier and better-connected communities around the UK.”
Tomorrow, it’s time to meet our new environmental charity partner: Thames21.