Our Impact

We believe that “good” companies which understand what it means to make the world a better place will deliver enormous financial returns for investors

Reaching Net Zero

We’ve released an update of our 2024 Emissions Reduction Roadmap. What we’ve achieved so far, and what we plan to do next.

We want the world to be a better place because of where (and how) we invest our clients’ money.

And we’re making good progress. Since setting up Octopus in 2000, we’ve invested more than £9.7 billion into building a sustainable planet, empowering people and revitalising healthcare, impacting the lives of more than 2.5 million people.

Our philosophy is simple. We don’t believe that you have to choose between doing good and making money. Individuals are increasingly aware of the power of their money, whether directly as consumers or indirectly as employers.

Ultimately, they’ll choose to work for, buy from and invest with ‘good’ companies.

“We’re approaching a seismic shift in the way money is invested. The tipping point will come when people realise that value is never just about the numbers.”

Jack Cracknell, Impact & Sustainability Manager, Octopus Group

Our focus

Good companies recognise the climate emergency we now face. And they’re taking action rather than talking about it, minimising their own impact and using their position to influence others to make the changes we need to see.

Proud to be a B Corp

We’re thrilled to be one of the UK’s first financial services companies to meet the strict criteria to become a B Corp. To gain B Corp certification, a company needs to meet high standards and prove it has a positive impact not just on its workers and customers, but also on the wider community and environment.