Simon says

Ideas and inspiration from our CEO and co-founder Simon Rogerson


20 Oct 2021

With age comes wisdom?

Oscar Wilde famously said that ‘with age comes wisdom’. It’s an interesting idea, but not one I necessarily agree with.
30 Sep 2021

The #1 cause of employee stress

Money is the #1 cause of stress for people. Financial education is crucial to your employees, and that’s why we started our very own Money Coach.
23 Sep 2021

Post pandemic parenting

Parents mental health took a knock during the pandemic and companies need to ensure they look after their employees. Our Springboard Company, Parent Cloud, does just this.
16 Sep 2021

Christmas…in September!?

Every year 8.5 million toys are thrown away, and the average child has four toys they’ve never played with. Perhaps this year we should approach Christmas differently?